How Much Does Family Mediation Cost?

Family mediation costs

Family Mediation Fees

We charge a fixed fee (rather than an hourly rate) for the work that we undertake for you. This means that you will know exactly how much you will pay at each stage of the mediation process.

The fees quoted below are what you will pay per person and include VAT.

Family Mediation

Our Mediation Fees (from 01.09.24)

Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting (MIAM) £180.00 per person
Preparation of C100 or Form A if required Free
Joint Mediation Sessions
90 minute session £250.00 per person
60 minute session £200.00 per person
Child Consultation Meeting £150.00 per parent
Preparation of Parenting Plan £100.00 per person
Preparation of Schedule of Assets and Liabilities and Collating Financial Disclosure £150.00 per person
Preparation of Memorandum of Understanding £150.00 per person
Preparation of C100 or Form A if required Free

Although we charge a fixed fee for joint sessions our costs are worked out on the basis that there is around 4 hours work involved in a 90 minute joint session and 3.5 hours work involved in a 60 minute joint session. This includes preparing a written summary of the discussions that were had during the session which will be provided to you after each joint session.

Legal Aid

Legal Aid is available for family mediation if you are financially eligible. If you qualify for Legal Aid then your mediation fees for the MIAM, any joint sessions and preparation of any paperwork will be covered by the Legal Aid Agency and you wont pay anything for our service.

If you wish to be considered for Legal Aid please let us know before your MIAM.

Even if only one of you is eligible for Legal Aid, the fees for the MIAM and the first joint session for the other person will be paid for by the Legal Aid Agency.

The Mediation Voucher Scheme

Vollans Mediation is participating in the Ministry of Justice’s Mediation Voucher Scheme. It enables families to apply for a voucher which provides a contribution of up to £500 towards the mediation costs for eligible cases. The following cases are eligible for a Mediation Voucher:

  • a dispute regarding a child
  • a dispute regarding family financial matters where you are also involved in a dispute relating to a child

The voucher will only cover the cost of joint mediation sessions. This means that you’ll need to pay for your initial assessment meeting (the Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting) and preparation of any paperwork unless you qualify for Legal Aid.

Example 1 - John and Anne are private clients but eligible for the Mediation Voucher because the case is about arrangements for children

Each attended individual MIAMs (£180 per person)

3 x 90 minute joint sessions to make arrangements for their three children (£750 per person less £250 each due to the Mediation Voucher)

Preparation of Parenting Plan (£100 per person)

Total cost per person and including VAT:-

MIAM £180.00
Joint Sessions £500.00
Parenting Plan £100.00
Total £780.00 per person

Example 2 - Mark and Lorna are private clients but eligible for the Mediation voucher because the case is about child and financial arrangements

Each attended individual MIAMs (£180 per person)

5 x 90 minute joint sessions to make arrangements for their daughter and financial arrangements (£1250 per person less £250 each due to the Mediation Voucher)

Collating Financial Disclosure and preparing schedule of assets and liabilities (£150 per person)

Preparation of Outcome Statement (£150 per person)

Total cost per person and including VAT:

MIAM £180.00
Joint Sessions £1000.00
Collating Financial Disclosure £150.00
Preparation of Outcome Statement £150.00
Total £1480.00 per person

By comparison, the cost of instructing a solicitor and making an application to the Court in relation to child arrangements could be in the region of £10,000 each and in relation to financial arrangements could be £10,000 to £20,000 each.

In our clients' words

Kind words from some of our clients.

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