Professional Supervision of Mediators
Supervising and mentoring other professionals
Professional Mediation Supervision
Anna Vollans is qualified to act as a Professional Practice Consultant, which enables her to work with other mediators to support them throughout their careers to maintain professional standards and practice requirements.
A PPC works with both individual mediators and mediation services to ensure there is:
- Accountability (services and mediators demonstrate the highest standards of professional practice)
- Development (mediators obtain skills, knowledge, appraisal, evaluation and identification of training needs via exploration and reflection on their work)
- Support (offering mediators encouragement/mentoring recognising personal and emotional impact of professional practice on them)
Accompanying other mediators and assisting them with professional and personal development is one of the best bits of my job! I am passionate about life-long training and learning. I consider reflective practice to be an essential element of both personal and professional development as well as encouraging good practice. I have had significant experience of training and supervision in a variety of contexts, including mediation, and have particularly enjoyed working with trainee mediators towards Family Mediation Council Accreditation.
Anna Vollans